Good quality fresh walnuts in bulk

Walnut is one of the tonic and nutritious foods that contains vitamins and minerals and has healing properties.

 introduction of fresh walnuts

The price of fresh walnuts in the harvest season, which is the end of the summer season, is very suitable and its price is determined based on various factors in the market. In different regions of the country, different types of walnuts with different qualities are planted and harvested, and each of them has special advantages and helps to maintain the health of the body. You can buy the best and freshest type of walnut available in the market from August to October and benefit from its quality. Various factors in the market are known as influential factors in determining the price of this product, and in general, due to the strong fluctuation in the market, a fixed price cannot be considered for purchase. To get the daily price list of walnuts, it is better to go through the centers that are known as the direct supplier and supply center of this product. introduction of fresh walnuts

Kids of fresh walnuts

Fresh and organic walnuts can be exported and traded, and the extensive export of this product plays a very good role in the growth of the economy and the prosperity of the production cycle. Because of its high quality and delicious taste, fresh walnuts are the most sold and have a reasonable price for their high nutritional value. The increase in the production of fresh and first-class walnuts in the country has brought attention to its export and trade, and for this reason, many people have specialized activities in the field of its trade. Walnut trade has a very prominent role in the economy and most of the businessmen and traders work in the field of walnut export to get more profit.

Kids of fresh walnuts specification of fresh walnuts

The best and highest quality walnuts in the country are the fruits of dry and cold regions, and in general, in our country, Hamedan and Fars provinces are considered important walnut production areas. Fresh walnuts with skin are exported to neighboring countries such as Turkey, Iraq, Armenia, Qatar, UAE and Russia. Our country has a strong relationship with other neighboring countries for export and trade. In order to be able to trade and export fresh walnuts at a lower cost, Iranian businessmen import these products in bulk to other countries. Our country offers the best kind of walnuts to the market due to favorable climatic conditions, and you, dear customers, should pay attention to its quality when buying. 
specification of fresh walnuts

The price of buying fresh walnuts

The quality of walnuts has a great impact on increasing the demand for purchases, and usually walnuts that are fresh and organic and have a delicious taste and full kernel are among the best-selling walnuts. Most of the trade and export of these walnuts takes place during the harvesting season, and currency price changes are one of the factors affecting the trade and export price of this type of food. There are many fluctuations in the buying and selling market of this product, therefore, if you are one of the major buyers, it is better to buy fresh and first-class walnuts directly. Different types of walnuts are produced in our country, each of them has its own fans and customers. The paper type of walnut is the best-selling and most popular type of walnut, which is welcomed and noticed because of its thin shell. The price of buying fresh walnuts

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