Learn salted pistachios carbs protein benefits and nutrition facts

Find more to learn about the advantages, benefits, carbs content, and protein content of salted pistachios and it nutrition facts.

Pistachios are a popular and nutritious nut. Due to its high content of nutrients and its total value, pistachios occupy a unique position among healthy snacks.

Contrary to popular belief, the high fat content of these green nuts has not become a concern in recent years. Pistachios are rich in fiber, protein, good fats, potassium, copper, vitamin B6, and a variety of other essential minerals.

It is considered a harmful food, but because it contains unsaturated fats, it is considered an excellent food for the heart.

Pistachios in their raw, roasted and salted forms can be searched using the Coca Database. of cola

Nutritional value of raw pistachios

Here is a list of some of the nutrients that can be found in a hundred grams of raw pistachios:

Raw, unprocessed pistachios (100 grams)

562 calories

20.3 grams protein

27.5 g carbs

Total 7.7g of sugar

10.3 grams of total fiber

45.4 grams of total fat

How many calories are in one serving of pistachios?

One pistachio contains four calories per 0.7 grams, and one ounce of pistachios, or 28.3 grams, contains 159.3 calories. Pistachios also contain the following nutrients:

Pistachios in their natural state contain 562 calories per 100 grams.

Salted and roasted pistachios contain 564 calories per 100 grams.

How many grams of carbohydrates are in one serving of pistachios?

Thirty grams of pistachios contain eight grams of carbohydrates, which is equivalent to forty-nine pistachios.

What is the percentage of fat in pistachios?

Pistachios and other types of nuts have always been considered high in fat, which is why many people avoid them; However, in recent years as a result of breakthroughs in medical science, fats have been reintroduced into the diet. The writing is done, do not forget that the quality of the selection is more important than the quantity.

Pistachios contain 14 grams of fat per 30 grams, of which 1.5 grams are saturated fat, 4 grams are monounsaturated fat, and 7 grams are polyunsaturated fat. Pistachios also contain 1.5 grams of protein per 30 grams.

Pistachios are the healthiest nut choice due to their low fat content and high content of heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids.

How much protein is in one serving of pistachios?

Pistachios provide about 6 grams of protein per 30 grams, making them a good source of protein for vegetarians, especially vegetarians. Pistachios are sold in large quantities.

How much fiber is in one serving of pistachios?

Pistachios contain three grams of fiber for every thirty grams of walnuts. After eating carbohydrate-rich foods like white rice, bread and potatoes, the healthy fats and fiber in pistachios help reduce the rise in blood sugar.

What exactly is the glycemic index of pistachios?

Pistachios, like other types of nuts, have a fairly low glycemic index.

Pistachios contain a variety of essential vitamins and minerals.

These nuts contain a range of vitamins and minerals, including but not limited to:

Vitamin B6 is not only an effective treatment for insomnia, but one of the most important vitamins for maintaining brain health and function. Pistachios contain 0.5 milligrams (mg) of vitamin B6, which meets forty percent of the body’s daily needs for this nutrient.

Pistachios, when consumed in 30 grams per day, provide the body with about 15% of the daily requirement of the nutrient phosphorus. Phosphorus is one of the essential minerals for the development of body tissues.

Thiamine, also known as vitamin B1, is a type of vitamin that belongs to the B family of vitamins. It plays a role in the process of converting carbohydrates into energy and is essential for the healthy functioning of the body’s most important organs, including the heart, muscles, and nervous system.

Only 30 grams of raw pistachios are needed to meet 18% of your daily requirement of this vitamin, which is why it is so popular.

Copper is an essential mineral for the proper functioning of the body, and a deficiency can have negative effects on heart health. Pistachios provide 20% of the body’s daily needs of this substance when consumed in just 30 grams.

Among other things, adequate amounts of potassium are needed to maintain a healthy heart and control blood pressure. It is important to note that thirty raw pistachios contain thirty-eight milligrams of potassium, which is more than fifty percent of the amount found in one large banana (240 milligrams).

Other ingredients derived from pistachio herbs

Pistachios contain a large variety of plant compounds, and the colors of different parts of the nut represent the types of plant compounds found in those regions.

The green and yellow color of these nuts, as well as the thin purple skin surrounding them, are indicative of the presence of two forms of carotenoids known as lutein and zeaxanthin, both of which are very important for maintaining healthy eyes. Anthocyanins found in grapes are also present in these nuts.

Pistachios contain more plant sterols than any other type of nut.

Nutritional Value of Salted Pistachios

One hundred grams of salted and dry-roasted pistachios provide the following vitamins, minerals and other nutrients:

Salted Pistachios 100 grams

564 calories

Protein Content: 21g

There are 28.7 grams of carbohydrates in total.

7.7 grams total sugar

9.9 grams bran

Total 44.8 grams of fat

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