salted honey pistachios cookies recipe easy and quick to make

Recipe for salted honey pistachio cookies, which is both simple easy, and quick to make.

Brown butter, sea salt, honey, and salted pistachios are the components that go into making a salted honey pistachio biscuit that is both extremely delicious and extremely delicate.

The preparation of this sweet and scrumptious treat couldn’t be easier!

wonderful pistachio biscuits

My love of cookies served as the inspiration for my business, since I am well aware of how much I appreciate a tasty cookie recipe.

You do end up finding something that you enjoy, correct? After all, it has been close to ten years since the last time I had the sensation that I had mastered baking cookies. I have at least proven that the information included in my cookie is correct. Yes, I’ve prepared these dozens upon dozens of times. Snickerdoodles, white chocolate, and chocolate with chocolate chips in them.

As a result of this, developing new cookie recipes that are interesting and unique has become progressively more challenging over time. The only thing I have to worry about is getting more creative, which is a wonderful thing.

This brings me to the (delicious) recipe for the biscuits we’ll be having today, which is salted honey pistachio. To be perfectly honest, I’m not a huge fan of cookies in general. On occasion, I will act contrary to the established protocol. Pistachios present the most compelling case for the consumption of nuts overall.

On top of that, I added some honey and some coarse sea salt that I got from the ocean. What exactly is the issue with using white chocolate? In place of the milk chocolate chips, you may easily make these cookies with bittersweet or semisweet chocolate chips instead. Sure, sure.

After the butter has turned a golden colour, remove it from the heat and set it aside to slightly cool. It is important to avoid putting off an excessive amount of heat.

The biscuit is covered in a layer of thick sea salt, which lends a little bit of saltiness to the overall flavour of the dish. You can use kosher salt in place of the coarse sea salt if you do not care for the flavour that the coarse sea salt imparts.

In the same vein, watch out that it doesn’t get overcooked. The secret to producing biscuits that are incredibly tender is to remove them from the oven a few minutes earlier than normal, let them cool for a while on the baking sheet, and then continue baking them on a wire rack after removing them from the baking sheet. This will produce biscuits that are incredibly tender.


  • The equivalent of one cup in butter
  • One-half of a cup of muscovado sugar in its soft form
  • 1/4 cup sugar in granules

half cup of honey

  • 1 egg
  • One level tablespoon of a paste derived from vanilla beans
  • One grain of coarse sea salt and one teaspoon of kosher salt

Baking soda, 1 teaspoon

  • Two and a half cups of flour that can be used for any purpose
  • Pistachios, chopped into a quantity equal to one cup

One cup of white chocolate chip pieces, one ounce

  • If you’d like, you can sprinkle flaked sea salt on top of the dish as a garnish.


  1. 1. Melt the butter in a saucepan of medium size by placing it over a heat source of medium to high intensity and waiting for it to reach a full boil. When the butter has reached a boil and started to turn brown, flip or spin the skillet fairly frequently (this takes about 5 minutes). As time passes, the colour will mellow out into an amber hue. Wait anywhere from twenty to thirty minutes after taking the butter away from the heat for it to become completely room temperature.
  2. 2. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit by adjusting the temperature setting. After preparing the baking sheet by lining it with parchment paper, put it away until a later time.
  3. 3. Once the butter has cooled to room temperature, place it in the mixing bowl of your stand mixer and add the granulated sugar and brown sugar to the bowl as well. Mix at a speed medium for the duration of one minute. After that, pour in the honey, eggs, vanilla, baking soda, and salt from the sea. Continue stirring for one more minute to ensure that everything is incorporated.
  4. 4. Reduce the speed of the mixer and, while continuing to whisk the flour, gradually add it into the mixture until it is fully integrated. Pistachios and white chocolate chips should be folded into the mixture before you stop until they are evenly distributed throughout the whole thing.
  5. 5. Using a cookie scoop of medium size, which is about equivalent to 2 teaspoons, put the batter onto the baking sheets that have been prepared, making sure to leave about 2 centimetres of space between each drop. After eight minutes in the oven, the edges need to have a colour that resembles a light golden brown. The bread shouldn’t spend an excessive amount of time in the oven.
  6. 6. After allowing the biscuits to sit undisturbed for three to four minutes on the baking sheet, remove them and place them on a wire rack to finish cooling.
  7. 7. If you like, you may also sprinkle some flakes of sea salt over the top of everything.

If you want these cookies to have their chewy consistency after baking, it is imperative that you maintain precise control over the baking time. As a result of the fact that each oven cooks food in a slightly different manner, the pan that you use might have a significant effect on the end result.

It takes exactly 8 minutes in the oven to bake, and it starts to become golden around the edges when it starts to look a little bit elevated. After taking them out of the oven, it is imperative that you do not touch them for between four and five minutes in order to allow them to complete cooking on the hot pan. This will ensure that they are thoroughly cooked.

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